Activity Areas

Activity Areas


The Firm carries out consultancy and assistance in all criminal matters, with particular regard to corporate, environmental, tax, IT, industrial, food and negligence penalties.

The firm mainly deals with occupational safety (both in the preventive implementation phase of the company safety organization and in the judicial phase), criminal issues related to the business crisis as well as criminal-taxation matter (both through the preparation of pro-veritate opinions both in the judicial phase).

Thanks to the continuous consultancy connected to the criminal sphere to various corporate Groups, the Firm has over the years acquired extensive experience in the sector of the administrative liability of entities pursuant to the Legislative Decree 231/2001. It provides its collaboration - also thanks to the support of external collaborations - during preparation, implementation and verification of the Organizational Models for primary industrial Groups and for the Italian offices of international Groups. Connected to the application of Legislative Decree 231/2001, the Firm guarantees judicial and extrajudicial assistance in case of involvement of companies in criminal proceedings.

Last but not least, thanks to the activity of its professionals, the Firm has also gained extensive experience in family criminal law as well as in juvenile criminal law and regularly collaborates with important family law firms in Milan.